Anders Kiel Hovgaard

Computer Science graduate from DIKU, University of Copenhagen.

Myself at Nezu Shrine.




I am a Computer Science graduate student at DIKU, University of Copenhagen. For my master's thesis, I added support for higher-order functions to the high-performance GPU language Futhark. Earlier, I was a member of Kobayashi Laboratory during my exchange semester at the Graduate School of Information Science and Technology, University of Tokyo.

Interests: programming languages, type systems, functional programming, parallel programming


Higher-order functions for Futhark

As part of my thesis, I added support for higher-order functions in the compiler for Futhark, a high-performance functional language that generates GPU code.

Formalization of records and subtyping in Twelf

In this project, I used the Twelf proof assistant to formalize and mechanically verify the proof of type safety for a simple functional language with records and restricted algorithmic subtyping. Project on Github.

klust: Efficient DNA/RNA sequence clustering

Efficient DNA/RNA sequence clustering using k-mers as an approximation for sequence similarity. Originally developed in bachelor project; later as BIO-DIKU/klust.